also Another 100 New Zealand Poems for Children: Edited by Rachel McAlpine & Illustrations by David Elliot

I'm still reading through Elsie Locke's books, but sneaking in a few poetry books along the way. This year, my daughter and I have been reading New Zealand poetry and we have finished reading these two together.
Published in 1999 and 2001, they are vastly different from the ones we have read before. The poems are simpler and less conventional. My daughter sat and listened patiently at the beginning, but the breakthrough came when I asked her to read them to me. After that, she consumed the poems each day and we really enjoyed our poetry reading.
An example...

There are a variety of poets: some you will recognise and some you won't. Also, there are a few poems by children.
Some more examples...

The books are well illustrated with black and white line drawings that suit the poems well. I recommend both books as read-a-louds for the whole family.